Completed the degree with a distinction award
University of Westminster- Batch Representative 2018 Software Engineering Batch - Member of the Choir - Educational Director At IEEE Student Branch @IIT
University of WestminsterEven the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic.
99xCredential ID TXT XNE SYG
99xWorking as the co-founder and Developer in web, Mobile, UI UX of our startup Company. Managing and undertaking projects and analyzing requirements of the customers and etc.The company provides Web, Mobile, and Desktop Application solutions and upgrading User Interfaces to suit the business Also works as UI UX designer, Web and desktop developer...
Bit7xOrganizing education related sessions like guest lectures and also the core work at the IEEE student branch like the revolutionary CodeSprint inter University hackathon.
IEEE student branch IITOrganizing school's music related events and managing the western music unit and it's occasions.
Kingswood western music societyI'm a passionate Software Engineer who's in love with UX Engineering with multi talented skills.
It's me Obhasha. A passionate undergraduate who's extremely awesome to work with and has a wide range of knowledge from music to extreme programming. I'm a UX/UI lover targeting to become a UX architect. And I believe in perfection. Some facts about me; I'm a singer, guitarist and a pianist who's attracted to artistic stuff. Also won many awards in competitions like Microsoft Imagine Cup 2106 with a revolutionary product called 'ProMug' Which is a Smart mug which keeps track of your daily liquid intake.And many more!
I'm a programmer with good engineering skills and knowledge to solve problems easily and simply in the best possible way. I'm Not a single language-based programmer, but I'm a language-independent engineer who is highly adaptive to any technology and makes the most out of it. Consist of solid knowledge of Java, C#, and c++ with keen object oriented concepts.
Been working in the field of product engineering for a while and very well capable of the processes in developing a product.
Have a keen eye with brilliant skills in Photoshop, Illustrator, and can easily be a pro in any tool to build awesome UI designs to maintain high user experience. Since I believe in perfection, make everything so simple and detailed.
IEEE Sri lanka sections anual congress of 2015 held at university of Peradeniya for 2 days with lectures from experts in the technology industry.
Getting to the final round of Microsoft imagine cup SriLankan in the innovation category, from over 170 teams. Only 9 teams emerged the finals and placed 5th in sri Lanka